Family photographers | North London | Baby Henry
Meet adorable baby Henry, 7 months old! It's such a lovely age to photograph when they are all chunky rolls and chubby baby fingers and toes! It won't be long before he is standing and even walking, so it's wonderful for the parents to have this collection of photographs as a record of this time. Henry had such incredible eye contact too and seemed fascinated by my camera!
Family photography in North London
This delightful family are from the States, but moved to London several years ago. We chose Hampstead Heath in North London for their family photoshoot, which has lovely long grasses for warmth and texture and even some pink wildflowers still in bloom. At one point it almost looked like Henry was at the beach as he sat on the sandy, dusty path! These were all taken at sunset in beautiful golden natural light. Both mummy and daddy were so natural in front of the camera (this is definitely not the norm!), although with cutie Henry in their arms it was easy for them to be so happy and smiley! Most of my clients are unsure about what to wear for their family portraits; as a rule I suggest soft muted colours in greys, cream, blues and denim - the relaxed, casual look of this family was perfect for this outdoor location. It is also a great idea to dress baby in a slightly more colourful, eye-catching outfit (although one which still tones with the adult clothing). As you can see here, this cute little striped romper helped to make baby Henry the centre of attention in the photos!
Outdoor baby photography
I am best known for my outdoor baby photography from around the 6 month age mark when babies are starting to sit up by themselves. It's also lovely to photograph tummy-time and babies reaching for their toes, as you'll see in the last of the collection below. If you are interested in your own family portrait session, or outdoor baby photos in London or further afield, do get in touch!