Natural family photography | Clapham | Clara

Children's portrait photographer

It's so lovely to have families come back a year on for more portraits and to see how much their littles have grown! I first photographed cheeky little Clara and her parents Kyle and Harriet in Holland Park in the summer last year when she was around 18 months. The family have now moved to Clapham - and are expecting their second little daughter early next year! They were keen for some autumn family photos now Clara is two years old and we decided on Wimbledon Common for their photoshoot. We didn't have sunshine this time, but we still created some beautiful family photos - even in cloudy weather it can be wonderful!

Children's portraits

Clara is a delight to photograph - full of mischief and cheekiness. Her parents brought along some of her favourite toys, including a wooden pull-along dog, which was a surprise hit in the photos - Clara just beamed from ear to ear as she 'walked' her dog along the path! I had to concentrate on taking photographs rather than laughing as the look on her face was just the funniest thing. I think these photos must be my favourite of all. Whilst I generally do not use props in my photography, it is nice to sometimes include props which have meaning - such as well-loved soft toys ("bunny" often makes an appearance!) or toys such as these which generate such genuine emotion.

Clapham family photography

It's so easy to put off family portraits to a time when the weather is better, or you are looking slimmer, or when baby number two arrives - but family photographs are one of those things to do that truly is so important. Portraits freeze time and only become more valuable as the years go by - in this case, a perfect reminder of the time before Clara was joined by a younger sister. If you are interested in commissioning a family photo shoot, whether in Wimbledon or elsewhere in London, feel free to reach me here.

Natural child photography
London children's photography
Unposed family photography
Clapham family photography
Family photos on WImbledon Common
Family photographer Clapham